Western Sahara : Murders, torture and intimidation

The “Equipe Media” firmly denounces the moroccan policy of intimidation in Western Sahara

More than a hundred Saharawi participated in the burial of the Saharawi citizen who was killed in mysterious circumstances.

On Tuesday, June 5, 2012, a funeral procession led by an ambulance driven by the so-called AbdelHaq Rabaii, officer of the general information service, left the hospital of El Aaiún toward the cemetery of “El Khaoui” to the East of the occupied city.

The Intifada activists took the opportunity to honor the martyr, by wrapping up his body with a SADR flag; they also proclaimed slogans for the independence.

Somewhere else, a young Saharawi was abducted on Tuesday night by a police patrol led by the so-called Ahmed Toaif.

Mohamed Babir, aged 21, was abducted in the neighbourhood of Al A’aouda; according to his words, the policemen in civilian dress beat him in the car and blindfolded him with a fetid and used cloth; the investigators tortured him to obtain information on “Equipe Media” which works in particular in the occupied territories of Western Sahara.

El Haoussi Nguia

Hayat Rguibi

Mohamed Saleh Zerouali

Mohamed Berkan

Lehbib Lgasmi

Mohamed Kherr

The “Equipe Media” firmly denounces the policy of intimidation and confirms that it will continue to work in order to denounce the military repression and break the media embargo existing since the invasion of the Western Sahara territory by Morocco.

EM, El Aaiún, occupied Western Sahara

June 6, 2012

Source : WSHRW, 06/06/2012

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