To inform: running the risk of being struck by the Moroccan police

On Friday, June 22, 2012, the occupation authorities have released Abdelmoutalib Sarir, a young Saharawi political prisoner. He had spent a month in the black prison on the charge of attack on apolice officer.

On the occasion of the release of Abdelmoutalib, aged 26, his family and friends have organized a feast.In effect, for the family and friends, it is a known fact that this kind of accusation is brought by the police when they come upon resistance during their attacks on the Saharawi activists.

In the morning, the occupation forces have surrounded the house of the family.The feast was held in the afternoon, during which slogans in favour of self-determination and independence of Sahara were shouted and the flag of the Saharawi Republic was lifted.

After the reception, the guests left and some of them have been attacked by the Moroccan police. According to witnesses, the police raged against the journalists and activists.

Hayat Rguibi, aged 23 and member of the EM team was with two of her friends when 20 police officers attacked them. They were particularly violent with Hayat who was driven by them to the hospital after she fell under their blows. According to the family, she is injured on the back and the head.

Mohamed Kher, aged 22, member of EM and Sidi Mohamed Dadach, aged 58, president of CODAPSO were also attacked in public by twenty Moroccan police officers.

A provisional list of other wounded has been established:

These are Miss Ghalia Joumani and Ms. Aicha Sarir, mother of the young released.

And Messrs Abdelkader Sarir, Byay Abdelaziz, Salami Mohamed, Youssef Khouaja, Saleh Rguibi, Babeit Ali Salem.

WSHRW, 24/06/2012

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