Western Sahara and the tide of history

by Stefan Simanowitz and Ken Loach

In 1960, the UN adopted resolution 1514 which stated that all people have a rightto self-determination and that colonialism should be brought to a speedy andunconditional end. Half a century later it may come as a surprise to readers tolearn that there are still 16 territories around the world that have yet to achievede-
colonisation. Known as “non-self governing territories”, the list of places still ruled by a foreign power contains some familiar names: Gibraltar and FalklandIslands (Malvinas) to name just two. But while some of these territories like thetiny Pacific Island of Tokelau are dependencies that could be said to have rejectedindependence and democratically chosen to maintain their territorial status, others are more controversial. Most notable is Western Sahara, known as Africa’s last colony, which has fought for self-determination for over 35 years againstneighbouring Morocco.
In New York, the UN’s Fourth Commi ttee on Decolonisation has been hearingpetitions from people speaking on behalf of these non-self governing territories. As with previous occasions, this year’s meeting was dominated by petitions on the conflict in Western Sahara, a conflict that remains one of the longest running inthe world.
About the size of Britain, Western Sahara lies along Africa’s Atlantic coast. In 1976, in a breach of international law, the departing Spanish divided WesternSahara between Morocco and Mauritania in exchange for continued fishing rightsand partial ownership of mining interests. A 15-year war ensued between theMoroccans and the Polisario Front, with the Mauritanians withdrawing in 1979. In1991 a ceasefire was declared and under the terms of a UN agreement areferendum for self-determination was promised. Nineteen years later the nativeSaharawi are still awaiting that referendum.An estimated 165,000 Saharawi refugees who fled the fighting are still housed indesolate refugee camps in the Algerian desert. Despite aid from the UnitedNations, conditions in the camps are abject with widespread health problemsincluding hepatitis B, anaemia and meningitis. A 2008 survey by the World HealthOrganisation, suggested that one in five children in the camps suffers from acutemalnutrition.Within occupied Western Sahara, the Saharawi population face discrimination andhuman rights abuses. International organisations including the UN HighCommissioner for Human Rights have raised serious concerns over violations of human rights in the territory and a 2008 report by Human Rights Watch found thatMorocco had violated the rights to expression, association, and assembly inWestern Sahara.8 October marked the first anniversary of the arrest of several prominent humanrights defenders who were arrested in Casablanca airport after returning from avisit to the refugee camps. Three of the activists Brahim Dahane, Ali SalemTamek, and Ahmed Naciri are still imprisoned in Sale jail, Rabat awaiting trial. Tomark the occasion we joined a delegation to Downing Street, which handed in aletter to David Cameron calling on the British government to increase efforts to ensure that these men get a free and fair trial leading to their unconditionalrelease.Against the backdrop of this human tragedy, the European Union has concluded afisheries agreement with Morocco under which Western Saharan waters are beingunlawfully exploited by European fishing vessels. Many foreign governments andcompanies are involved in deals with Morocco, which give them access to WesternSaharan vast mineral resources, most notably phosphates.The UN Fourth Committee heard over 80 petitions on the subject of WesternSahara including an impassioned plea from Suzanne Scholte, president of theDefence Forum Foundation. “Do not let the [Saharawi people’s] trust in this Committee be in vain or you will send a terrible signal to the world that invasion,aggression and violence, as Morocco has employed, are the ways to achieve your ends,” she said.
Despite many attempts to break the long-running diplomatic stalemate, progresstowards a resolution has been tortuously slow. A political solution may seem faroff with the parties positions being so far apart: the Polisario Front beingunprepared to negotiate away their legitimate right to self-determination,Morocco rejecting any proposal that contains even the possibility of independence,and the Security Council so far unwilling to enforce its own resolutions. But historyhas shown that a political solution is the only way forward.Nevertheless, it is important to stress that a political solution to this problem isfar too important to be left in the hands of politicians. It is up to us all, to civilsociety groups, campaigners and individuals to make their voices heard. We mustdemand that our governments around the world exert diplomatic and politicalpressure on those who are ignoring the requirements laid out under internationallaw and blocking a referendum of self-determination in Western Sahara.As Martin Luther King said, “The arc of history may be long but it always bendstowards justice.” There is little doubt that the people of Western Sahara have both the tide of history and the force of justice on their side.Ken Loach is a film maker.Stefan Simanowitz is a writer, journalist and broadcaster.He attended the Decolonisation Committeemeetings in New York.

SCRIBD, 15/11/2011

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