Humanitarian kidnapping : Algerian-Malian Intelligence favors Burkina-fasso way

“Three Human two Spaniards and an Italian-are in West Africa, certainly in Burkina Faso,” said an Algerian security source of high rank. Malian intelligence, too, reached the same conclusion, and based on the traditional Tuareg interim, he thinks that the three aid have not been sent to Mali, “and certainly not to be found.” Give the ground a penchant for delivery “not ordinary” hostages to a country that was previously kept away from turbulence-related kidnappings, Burkina Faso, in this case. A week ago, a mediator of Mali said that the three European Cooperating abducted Oct. 23 “are alive and are held by Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM).”
“AQIM members said they will communicate their demands later. But for now, the hostages are alive. ” For their delivery to Malie, an official Bamako wanted “again vigorously deny” the presence of hostages in the desert of his country. “When we hear say that the kidnappers were from Mali and he returned to Mali, we deny vigorously,” he said. 

AQIM has not so far officially claimed responsibility for the kidnappings. It retains more, hostage since September 15, 2010, four French nationals kidnapped in Arlit in northern Niger, a uranium mining site of the French group Areva. The presence of Abdelkader Massahel in Burkina Faso, on the eve of Eid el-Adha, is not fortuitous. Algiers wants to include Burkina Faso to the next meeting in Algiers of the so-called “field”, that is to say, who are directly affected by the threat of terrorism. Algeria and Burkina Faso hear “joint efforts” against terrorist threats facing the Sahel-Saharan Africa, they said during the seventh session of the Joint Cooperation Committee held from 3 to November 4, 2011 in Ouagadougou. Abdelkader Messahel said the region “is the subject of a triple threat: terrorist threats with Al_Qaïda, organized crime with major drug trafficking and a third threat is poverty,” and believes that it is an urgent need to “deal with these threats as long as we work together, create synergies between the different strategies of our respective countries but also with our West African partners.” 
Le Courrier d'Algérie, 3/11/2011

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