13 "billionaires" in hunger strike!
Algiers- According to sources close to officials at the Directorate General of Customs, thirteen former trade unionists of the National Union of Workers of Customs, whose files have been transferred to court, after being deprived of their union immunity, on the billions that they have in banks and the land they have acquired during their working years in the south, would have started a hunger strike.
The same sources revealed the scandal following the meeting of the Director General of Customs with the management of southern Algeria, who has announced plans to submit all the customs officers to control of their property, and the creation of new tools to control that permit to uncover excesses and corruption that has plagued the industry and involve elements of the sector, following the recommendations of the president on the need to control the assets of customs, especially those working on the borders.
Several cases of corruption were uncovered, directly involving customs officers. According to the boss of the customs, customs officers shot the last ten years have also joined the strike.
These customs, said the Director General of Customs, refuse the recommendations of the meeting of the Algerian customs in the South, which tended to the execution of contracts concluded in 2009 between the General Directorate of Customs and the regional administration, as part of the reform plan of customs administration. These contracts define the objectives set, particularly in terms of litigation, customs receipts, the fight against corruption and tax evasion.
13 Customs "billionaires" reject the decisions of the President
According to the source of Ennahar the tastes that broke the camel would be investigations that have shed light on the pot with roses, uncovering the officials working in southern Algeria, like the province of Ghardaia, involved with international networks of smuggling of foreign cigarettes. According to the sources, these customs officers would have bank accounts in billions. They have refused to adapt to the new situation on the transparency, measures that require Customs to declare all their assets regardless of their nature.
Ennahar / Amine Chaouche