Morocco seeks to transform the hostage crisis in diplomatic success in the Western Sahara issue (Algerian official)

The kidnapping, Sunday, October 23, three Europeans in the Sahrawi camps in Tindouf could quickly become a new source of tension between Algiers and Rabat. On Tuesday, the Moroccan Minister of Foreign Affairs has clearly engaged the responsibility of Algeria in the kidnapping. “It is the responsibility of a State and is Algeria which has primary responsibility,” said Taib Fassi Fihri during a press briefing with his Spanish counterpart in Rabat.

For Algeria, Morocco seeks to transform the hostage crisis in diplomatic success in the Western Sahara issue. “The output of the Moroccan Minister of Foreign Affairs informs us, once again, the obsessive tropism of Moroccan diplomacy regarding the Saharawi cause,” said a senior official at TSA Algerian who requested anonymity. “We could, in turn, argue that the responsibility for the Moroccan government is fully committed to the protection and safety of foreign tourists within its territory, including those who perished in the attack against the Cafe Argana in Marrakech” adds the same charge.

In this context, the Algerians almost openly questioned the motives of the kidnappers and the timing to complete the operation. Unlike the Polisario Front, Algeria has not clearly identified as AQIM perpetrator. “Although all the assumptions are, at present, open the exit of the Moroccan Minister encourages us to ask ourselves about the true motives of the kidnappers and those of their potential sponsors as the timing of this package and gains that are expected invite us to see far beyond the tracks that would have us dangling awkwardly, some pharmacies and fake experts handsomely rewarded by the Department of the Minister (Moroccan), “says our interlocutor.

Tuesday, a senior Malian security services accused the Saharan branch of AQIM to be behind the kidnapping, providing support to the Moroccan position. He denied the assertion of the Polisario reports of the presence of the hostages and their kidnappers in northern Mali. “If we had a doubt, the news” made “from Bamako by some news agency, which shall convene a profusion of anonymous security sources, encourage us to remain vigilant against the attempts of manipulation on the part of both the other, “says the source.

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